How to Select a Waterproofing Contractor

How to Select a Waterproofing Contractor


Waterproofing your home properly will ensure you don’t have to deal with leaking and other hassles in the future. So you need to have a reliable contractor for the work. You can search for waterproofing contractors in your areas to get started with a list and then narrow down the list according to certain parameters such as references, the reputation of the company, awards and certificates, references, license etc. 

You need to ask waterproofing contractors Perth to provide you with references for previous and current clients. This allows you to get in touch with their clients and get a first-hand account of the level of service provided and the quality of work done. You can also go through customer testimonials on their official website. But make sure to check independent reviews as well to get an unbiased view of the company. You have to work with a reputed company as this means that they have preserved their name for so long as a result of quality service. Their official website will give you information on how long they have operated in the industry and you can get check if the company is well established or not. If you are working with a main contractor, you can also ask them for recommendations for a reliable waterproofing contractor.

If your neighbours, friends or family have recently suffered problems with waterproofing and have got it fixed, you can also ask them for recommendations. You can learn from their mistakes and avoid it in your own house. Look for companies that have won awards when it comes to their waterproofing skills. There are different awards that are offered every year and this gives you an idea of their quality of service and expert skill. Check if the waterproofing contractor is licensed and bonded before you confirm them as your contractor. Sometimes, even if the products used in your project come with certain warranties, if they are not applied by a certified professional, you may not be able to claim the warranty.

Always have a written contract between the waterproofing contractor and yourself. This will protect both parties. If the contractor is refusing to sign an agreement, this can be seen as a red flag and it will be best to select a different contractor. You also have to go through every line in the contract. This will generally contain details about the work that will be done, a timeline for the project and an estimated cost. Warranties and guarantees have to be in writing as well so that you have proof. It is not a good idea to go by verbal assurance and they can always retract what they say. No matter the scale of the project, you have to select a contractor that has the qualifications and the skills to carry out a proper job. You can also check if they provide home evaluations. This will give you an idea of problem areas in your home and you will be able to prevent major issues from occurring.