6 Ways to Make Bath Time Fun for Babies

6 Ways to Make Bath Time Fun for Babies


Being creative during baby’s bath sessions is important because it is one of the many simple ways of encouraging learning and development. Here’s how you can make sure you babies bath times are fun and productive.

Pick the Best Bath Toys

When you speak about bath toys, there are tons that come to mind that which you find in the market. However, own thing you would want to focus on when choosing bath toys for babies and toddlers is how much these toys will help your baby or toddler learn and develop while enjoying and having fun at the same time.

This might make it sound like it is complicated – choosing great bath toys, but it actually is quite the opposite. Simple toys like colourfulcups of different sizes for instance, are great for having fun and learning, as your baby pours in and out, fills and empties them. Check the web for the best range of baby bath toys in Australia and grab some at affordable prices!

What’s a Bath Without Bubbles?!

Blowing bubbles is one thing that has helped mommies deal with fussy babies. Yes, babies who hate baths do exist – a lot of them! Bubbles games never fail to come to the rescue, especially with toddlers and older children. You can blow and let them pop, and then go the other way around. Let your bub come up with new games –they are sure to inventa few themselves in no time!

Fun with Foam!

This is super fun for babies of all ages. In fact, don’t we adults find it irresistible ourselves? Add some foamy soap into their baths, make sure it is a gentle, tear free type when you do, and see your little one having the best kind of fun in her little tub. From forming beards and moustaches, foam balls and all kinds of weird things, you’d have their imagination running riot!

Hand them a Bath Book

Bath books are amazing and are just meant to be read in the bath. Some of them make squeaky sounds and often contain stories about the seas and the oceans, just so they are more relative.Again, if you are dealing with a fussy baby and you think a fun bath book should do the job, then make it a point to have it ready. You might want to have a little collection of them so you can hand them a different one every time.

Place a Mirror in the Bath

Place a mirror and you simply can laugh about how your baby reacts on seeing herself in her bath. Either hand a baby-friendly one so she’s free to use it the way she wants, or place it somewhere so she can get glimpses of herself in a foamy beard and moustache! Does not the sound of it all simply make you chuckle?!

Play Some Music

Babies should enjoy music as much as adults do in their baths! Put on their favourite bath rhymes or anything they’d love;it does not necessarily have to go with a bath scenario. In fact, you can leave it up to them to find a connection!