The Importance of Teaching Kids Table Manners

The Importance of Teaching Kids Table Manners


Kids are known to spit, throw and overall make quite a mess while eating. However, while it is justifiable while they are still very small, it is vital that kids are taught proper table manners, as they grow older.

It is important to instil table manners at a young age in the home, so they grow into habits. The use of the appropriate cutlery and chewing with a closed mouth are teachable habits as once a child is older it becomes difficult to inculcate. Listed below are some important methods and reasons to teach kids table manners.

Washing hands before eating

This is the most fundamental habit anyone is required to have before sitting for meals. Teaching a child to wash their hands shows them the importance of hygiene and cleanliness.

Helping to set the table

Parents most of the time rather set the table themselves to avoid accidents such as spilled food or broken crockery. However, teaching a child to help set a table is a great habit they carry with them into adulthood.

It not only portrays manners but also is a general courtesy to those laying a table. To help kids learn to lay a table consider using replay recycled tableware. This is made from recycled materials that are durable even if dropped and are excellent to teach kids table etiquette.

Eating without spilling

While food spilling off a plate happens to some of us by mistake, learning to eat with care is important. Habits such as not letting food rub to the corners of the plate and taking a plate close before serving, are manners taught at a young age.

Though some people excuse a child’s messy eating habits, correction is better than cure. Certain judgments are made purely on the eating habits of adults and it is important to make sure your kids grow up knowing how to conduct themselves in public.

Correct use of cutlery

At a laid-out table there are a number of forks, spoons and knives set on the sides of the plate. It is a common mistake to mix up cutlery and be left feeling awkward and embarrassed about not knowing which to use for what course.

While a laid-out table seems a bit much for your usual family dinner, teaching kids the different between a bread knife and dinner knife allow them to be comfortable while eating in public. Learning to use chopsticks and the correct art of cutting a stake without making noise make them confident and well mannered.

Saying thank you

The common courtesy of saying thank you or no thank you while being served isn’t seen in many. This small yet valuable table manner portrays elegance, culture and education.

A well-mannered child grows into a well-mannered adult. Common mistakes parents do is allowing kids to grow up without the fundamentals because of their age. As a parent it is your responsibility to inculcate proper manners and grooming to children so they grow up to be healthy, educated and beneficial members to the society.

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